Thursday 23 December 2010

Update and Box

So a quick update with the gym first!

Things are going well with the Head of Terms. Just in the past few days we have had both sides agree on all raised points, so now it is a matter of clarifying a couple of things, getting it legally set in a contract, and signing for it. With the run-up to and aftermath of Christmas however, it is likely to be February time when we actually get the keys to the place and can begin work on it. I have a feeling there will be a lot of "in-the-pipe-line" talk on this blog, but rest assured that things are actually happening and these processes just take time, definitely longer than we originally had envisaged. Nonetheless, no obstacles in the road thus far and both parties are working together to get the job done.

Now, here is the next installment of the "BEGINNINGS" series, covering everything that we are up to in the run up to opening the facility. In this video, we went down to London to pick up the top two tiers of a vintage and timeless gymnastic vaulting horse. We picked up the equipment with it looking in a bit of a sorry state, with paint on the fabric and stencils on the side. However, the original craftsmanship is second-to-none, and with a bit of TLC, entailing new tatami mat covering upholstering and a slick new paint job, this beast is ready for action. Included is a compilation of just some of the movements that can be trained on it, including beginner to a little more advanced. Our new member to the Push Training equipment family, the Black Box will see some heavy usage.

Have a fantastic Christmas everyone and get ready for the new year!

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