Thursday 24 February 2011

Bodyweight Blitz

Try the bodyweight "metabolic work" session below for a cheap, simple way to improve your overall fitness levels and body composition.

One arm assisted pullups: 4 x 3 (each arm)
Back levers: 4 sets max effort
Inverted rows: 4 x 8

60 seconds rest, then:
Tuck jumps
60 seconds rest, then:
Lunge jumps
Sit ups
No rest, then:
Burpees: 10
Crunches: 10
Tuck jumps: 10
Pushups: 10
Lunge jumps: 10
Sit ups: 10


  1. Epic! Nice man.

    Would you perform both strength and metcon in the same workout? If I manage to find the time to get in two workouts in a day I try to separate them by a few hours so that my body can focus on one aspect in recovery. I haven't experimented to see if this is worthwhile because real life isn't so convenient that I can train twice a day regularly. Unless I sacrifice a lot of sleep that is...

  2. Hey mate,

    Yeah thats a really good point. Absolutely seperating the two is ideal, but practicality-wise for myself, i do them in the same session since i am chasing two different areas. Not efficient, but a 3 day both modality setup has been shown to be better for adaptation and recovery than alternating 6 days, so i go similar to that. Get the more neurological and maximal effort stuff done first, if its the other way around, the strength gains will be massively affected. I dont feel as bothered about shaving more time off my metabolic work, there isnt as much method to it as the strength work for me personally as i just want to tax all 3 energy systems and so it does the job this way. But totally, ideally more recovery would be good for power output in the metcon stuff, but I view both as important and so cram them in together. I feel it works ok and is the best way to do it without spreading the load over multiple workouts each day,
    Throwing in days which focus solely on different modalities is always a good thing as well,
    and yeah, there is always a lot left to be desired with sleep!.....too much to do!
